Performance of gas without the noise, fuss, and fumes – An Ego Power+ 24in Snow Blower Review Back in March of 2021, I bought my first house here in enjoyable-summer, yet cold-winter Wisconsin. After I got settled in, around August, I knew it was only a few months until the aforementioned cold-winter Wisconsin was about to begin. On average, my town in Southeastern Wisconsin receives about 45 inches of snow each year. Granted not all of this snow sticks or accumulates on the ground, but there are often a few days when 2 – 5 inches are expected to land.…
Author: Justin Vendette
Spectrum/Time Warner Cable Outlook Email Setup with Pictures If you’re like me, you may still be using an email from your internet provider for some legacy online accounts and/or services. While ISP provided emails are convenient, people have heavily transitioned to online email providers such as Gmail, Outlook, and Yahoo. Even though I’ve transitioned most of the accounts, I need to maintain my old Time Warner Cable email address in my Outlook for the one-off emails it receives. I thought this would be a straightforward thing, simply add my account to Outlook and be done with it, but Spectrum, who…
Breathe Clean – A Bagotte HEPA Air Purifier Review In the continued years of the coronavirus, we’ve all, hopefully, have become to accustom a cleaner and healthier lifestyle. Over the past year we’ve, as a collective, learn to wash our hands, clean our areas, and keep distance between total strangers. As government entities have us believe, the coronavirus is to be transmitted through air particles from speaking, sneezing, and coughing. It’s the whole reason they’ve been attempting to impose mask mandates across the globe. The dirty little truth is that the air we’ve been breathing since the dawn of this…
Give your car sight – A Blackvue DR900X-2CH Dash Camera Review A few weeks ago, I decided that I was going to take a long weekend trip down to Houston, Texas to meet up with a few friends that live down there. In a year where we’ve all been bunkered down in our homes with very little outside world contact, this was going to be one exciting 2020 story to share. Amongst all of the fun activities and stories that happened down in Texas, one thing I immediately noticed was how different the drivers were compared to Wisconsin. In Wisconsin,…
Take a Listen Anytime, Any Place You know what I love about technology? It’s always changing. Love it or hate it, Apple’s removal of the headphone jack has changed the headphone industry forever. As more and more smartphones begin to follow in Apple’s lead to remove the headphone jack (let’s hope they don’t all remove the power brick now too) we’re seeing far more fully wireless options with features jam backed to win you over in an already crowded market. It wasn’t that long ago when we were all using wired earbuds or wireless options that connected the two earbuds…
Whether you are recording a video, chatting with your friends, or making music, you might find at times that your microphone is a tad quiet or too loud. Many are not aware that while your microphone does not have any adjustments on it, Windows has specific device settings that can be user adjusted to increase or decrease your microphone’s output. Below is a guide on how to increase or decrease your Windows microphone output. This guide is set for Windows 10 PCs. 1. Click the Start button in the bottom left of your screen. 2. Search for Sound settings and…
Rant: People Cheating in Online Games Every year on there is a channel called Games Done Quick which challenges players to load up classic games (mostly Nintendo base) and attempt to beat them as fast as they possibly can. The streams run for people’s entertainment and the primary goal is to raise money for selected charities. As neat as it is to watch these players run through the game in crazy speeds, there are some situations that annoy me. They cheat. They find game exploits that better their speed; that better their advancement in the game; that allow them…
The Power of Cooling As we continue the world-wide pandemic lockdown, spending a lot more time at home has become somewhat ‘normal’ for all of us. We now work, play, and relax practically all day long while on our computers. Luckily, unlike a car, computers do not ‘wear’ the more times or longer you use it. What they do, however, is get hot the harder you push them. The more requests that go through the Central Processing Unit or processor and the more applications you run, the harder the processor must process all those 1s and 0s. With that, what…
With all of us spending so much time at home, we’re bound to spend a lot of time on our computers. Why not spend that time creating your own website! This is the perfect time to get started on that online store; blog; news; or even a review site just like us! We have been using BlueHost for years now and have really enjoyed everything about them! Including their fantastic support. So much so, we’ve recommended multiple friends get started on it as well. It’s cheap and really affordable for anyone! Plus, setting up WordPress has never been this easy!…
I’ll be the first to admit that I am a huge fan of RGB in computers. My personal machine is littered with a rainbow of RGBs that cycle all day long. Now, while this is a very expensive addition to my computer, it helps catch a lot of attention on the few chances I do get to show off my personal rig. This article is a great example! Pictures aside, one of the RGB components in my machine is the popular Corsair Vengeance RGB PRO RAM. What I like most about this RAM is how it flashes the colors down…