Author: Justin Vendette

One of the more difficult fields of Information Technology is networking. There are hundreds of different terms, configurations, devices, and resources that you need to understand before even getting a handle on networking as a whole. Yet, it’s funny to think that every single one of us has had some experience with computer networking. Reading this review right now means that you have an active internet connection that is provided to you by a router. For those using their home network, chances are high that at one point in time you’ve installed a router at your home. Whether the router…

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As with most online internet forums, Tech Support Forum is a volunteer based forum. All of our content is free of charge and provided by contributors who work freely. In return, you, the reader, get access to premium grade content and support without having to pay a dime. In the grand scheme of things, this is quite helpful when you’re reading a product review or in desperate need for computer support. The content is clear, understandable, and professional, which, hopefully, has you coming back for more. However, trying to make a living off volunteering is quite difficult, therefore, many of…

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There is a great internet meme that shows a person walking around with earbuds in their ears. Then the caption of the meme is “I am not really listening to music, I just don’t want anybody to bother me”. As much as I enjoy talking to others, there are some times where I would happily sit in my chair and continue my work unbothered. The constant bother or distraction not only delays my work, but it can also cause me to miss something or do something incorrectly. These reviews are a great example. Once started they are a start-to-finish operation,…

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I’m quite a big fan of these portable battery banks that have taken over Amazon store front by storm. I’ve reviewed a lot of them here at Tech Support Forum, mainly because each one is just a little more different than the others. From charging laptops to tablets and smartphones, it can sometimes be difficult to choose what to charge and when to do it. When you are at home, this is a no-brainer; just find the closest electrical socket and plug in one of many chargers that you have lying around. When out on the road, this isn’t so…

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Like most people, I love my music. It helps me focus, it helps me fall asleep, it lets me pretty much do anything during the day. A good pair of headphone is like a good pair of shoes, you can take them anywhere, do anything with them, and feel great doing whatever it is you’re doing. Of course, finding something that is perfect is not easily done. When it comes to electronics, and specifically headphones, every single unit you pick up and use will be slightly different from one another. A quick search on Amazon for the term ‘headphones’ returns…

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In September of 2016, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) published a news story displaying the 2015 American crime rates. Split into major categories, including murder, rape, robbery, aggravated assault, motor vehicle theft, burglary, and larceny-theft, America’s crime rates have been a big problem in the last few years; and there has been little done to stop it. According to the FBI report, an estimated $14.3 billion was lost in property damage and $12.4 million worth of goods were stolen. That’s a lot of money loss in property damage and stolen goods, and the 2016 reports from the FBI aren’t…

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During CES (Consumer Electronics Show) 2017, there were a lot of great new technologies shown. It’s one of my favorite technology based shows around the world, because it gives companies a chance to show off some great new tech. Plus, it’s tech that may be brand new, prototype, hype-only, or an old product revised. While TVs, once again, were the main attraction, consumer drones and smaller tech gadgets were a popular sight to see. One thing I noticed was that it seems as if everybody out there is looking to capture the smart home market and offer even more helpful…

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One reason I am a huge fan of rock and roll music is because what you see is what you get. There are no autotuned effects, no lip syncing, no special effects, just glorious live content that is real. Some of the most iconic people in music are still known today because of their real and true vocals. While I enjoy a good rock concert, there doesn’t happen to be many venues close to me and I want to listen to these great songs every day. When listening to music, I want it to be as real and lively as…

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Before I got into desktop computing, I used a laptop for all of my computer-related activities. The laptop was nice as it was portable and I could carry it place to place to either show people something or work on something. Of course, a laptop wouldn’t be helpful if it wasn’t for the wireless internet that is nearly everywhere you go these days. Wireless internet technology wasn’t always the preferred method for most, because when compared to hardwired devices, it was slower. Today, Wi-Fi is both fast and reliable, but still not the main go-to for desktop users. Desktop PCs,…

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If you have a passion for video games and want to work with video games, then a game development or game design job position used to be in your future. You could then work with a game publisher and eventually help in publishing a brand-new game title. Nobody out there is going to pay you to play video games all day, right? Surprisingly, a new and growing job market is to become a professional gamer. Thanks to the Amazon-owned streaming website, gamers can now create a free account and begin sharing their live gameplay for thousands to watch. After…

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