Thursday, March 6

    Whether a forum helper asks you to post your system specs or you are simply curious about what components are inside your PC, Speccy is a tool that allows to you to do just that. Speccy is a third party program that can read your PC hardware IDs to determine what components are inside your PC.

    Not only does Speccy provide you with hardware IDs, but it can also read and display Windows Updates, services, and processes. Speccy contains no personal information about your PC, with the exception of your PC’s username.

    1. Download the free version of Speccy using the official download page.

    2. Once downloaded, open the installer and select to not install CCleaner at the bottom. Next, select the Customize option underneath the Install button.

    3. Opt in or out of any options you choose to select for your system. Then, select Install.

    4. Press the Run Speccy button at the end of installation.

    5. After analyzing your system, Speccy will generate a hardware configuration report within the application.

    6. To share the report, select File then press Publish Snapshot. When prompted to create a URL, select Yes.

    © 2018 Justin Vendette

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