Sunday, March 9

    Back in June, Samsung won a lawsuit against their major rival, Apple, claiming that older devices such as the iPad 1, iPad 2, and the iPhone 4S were infringing on Samsung US patents. On June 4th 2013 the U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC) came to a conclusion that a sales ban for most older Apple devices will be put into effect.

    The sales and import ban for Apple was set to begin Monday of next week (8/5/13). Even though this Apple vs. Samsung battle has been going on for years now and Samsung having to take heavy hits such as a 1 billion dollar payout to Apple; Samsung was days away from winning the biggest prize; a ban of Apple’s product line.

    The only thing stopping this ruling was the White House which is allowed up to 60 days to either disapprove, approve or take no action what so ever.

    Today the U.S. Trade Representative Michael Forman sent a letter to Chairman Irving Williamson stating that they have disapproved this action and that Apple will be allowed to continue product sales. Even after hard evidence of patent infringement.

    Samsung had this to say about the action taken:

    “We are disappointed that the U.S. Trade Representative has decided to set aside the exclusion order issued by the U.S. International Trade Commission. The ITC’s decision correctly recognized that Samsung has been negotiating in good faith and that Apple remains unwilling to take a license.”

    Apple’s largest market is the U.S. so such effect to their sales would have crippled them massively. Personally I believe that some sort of agreement should have been discussed between the two companies to come to a fair settlement.

    You can read the letter that was sent to the Chairman here: __________________