Friday, February 21

    A few months ago Google announced a new application for the mobile branch, Google Goggles. The application allows you snap a picture using your smartphone of, landmarks, books, text, contact info, artwork, wine, or logos then have Google automatically tell you want you took a picture of. With millions of people downloading this free app, it gave Google an interesting idea. What if the “Goggles” were built into your glasses?

    During Google’s 2012 I/O developer conference, Google announced their new project: Glass Explorer Edition. When Google’s developers took a look on how they could produce such an item; they took any old glasses frame and attached a stretched out bar that would hold a micro camera along with a micro projection screen.

    Google’s Glass project would not only allow you to take pictures of different items but also pair with your Android smartphone so you receive texts, emails, music, weather and more right on the screen. The project has been in design and development for 2.5 years. Developers still face the problem of not having the extended bar interfere with your sight.

    How much could such a device be? Well you can currently pre-order the Glasses for $1,500. Most of us won’t be buying such an expensive product just to always checkup on text messages, but it’s a huge step in the world of technology.

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